Case 112: 77-year-old female with trigger finger of the index finger.
Case 110: 71-year-old male with dorsal lateral wrist pain radiating into the hand.
Case 109: 76-year-old male presents with left knee pain and swelling.
Case 108: 46-year-old male with weakness with finger extension.
Case 107: 75-year-old female with numbness of the plantar aspect of the foot after recent ankle replacement.
Case 106: 47-year-old female presents with left ankle pain and swelling 10 days after rolling her ankle while hiking in the woods, when she felt a splinter pierce the top of her foot.
Case 105: 48-year-old female with chronic hindfoot pain.
Case 104: 20-year-old male with inability to extend the thumb three months after fracture of the distal radius treated conservatively.
Case 103: 24-year old male presents 4 months status post polytraumafrom a motor vehicle accident.
Case 102: 26-year-old professional football player with thigh tightness after injury.
Case 101: 57-year-old male with chronic Achilles pain.
Case 100: An 18-year-old male presents with right thigh pain and weakness without recollection of a specific injury.
Case 99: 29-year-old female with numbness along the ulnar aspect of the thumb since laceration with glass over the 1st web of the hand.
Case 98: 40-year-old male with recent tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis with failure of the arthrodesis and progressive swelling in the anterior aspect of the ankle.
Case 97: 24-year-old male soccer player presents with medial left knee pain.
Case 96: Two patients who were referred to the ultrasound department for ultrasound-guided aspiration of a cyst in the popliteal fossa of the knee.
Case 95: A 43-year-old male with groin pain related to playing soccer.
Case 94: A 67-year-old male presents with progressively worsening right knee pain in one pinpoint location.
Case 93: 51-year-old male with pain and weakness in extending the knee after acute sports injury.
Case 92: 63-year-old male with painful mass of the index finger.
Case 91: A 75-year-old male presents with bilateral, left greater than right, ankle pain and swelling for 1 week following the completion of a 10 day course of Levaquin for a diarrheal illness acquired in India.
Case 90: 46-year-old female with tingling of all the toes.
Case 89: 70-year-old female with pain and poor range of motion 4 months after rotator cuff repair.
Case 88: A 55-year-old left-handed woman presents with a left index finger laceration sustained while pitting an avocado.
Case 87: 74-year-old female with heel pain for several months.
Case 86: 56-year-old male with known osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the great toe presented with acute pain and swelling over the medial side of the great toe.
Case 85: A 71-year-old male presents with fullness in the left popliteal fossa and some pain with walking.
Case 84: 7-month-old boy with congenital flexion contracture of the left knee. Clinical concern was for congenital patellar dislocation.
Case 83: 51-year-old female with shoulder pain and limited range of motion for one year.
Case 82: 62-year-old male status post right distal radius open reduction and internal fixation in 2011 presents with the inability to flex his right thumb at the interphalangeal joint after doing heavy housework two weeks prior.
Case 81: 45-year-old female with progressive heel pain without history of antecedent trauma.
Case 80: 64-year-old male with progressive anterior hip pain 1 year after hip replacement.
Case 79: 3-year-old-girl with a painless lump at the anterior right chest.
Case 78: 30-year-old male with acute right elbow pain and weakness in flexing the elbow during weight-lifting.
Case 77: 25-year-old female with intermittent posterior ankle pain.
Case 76: 76-year-old woman with right wrist pain and palpable mass at the volar radial wrist.
Case 75: 68-year-old female with progressively worsening left anterior shoulder pain.
Case 74: 22-year-old female with progressive lateral knee pain after prior ACL reconstruction and lateral meniscal repair.
Case 73: 38-year-old man with chronic left posterior lateral ankle pain and snapping sensation.
Case 72: 50 year old female with slowly-growing palpable mass along the antecubital fossa of the elbow.
Case 71: 26-year-old female ballet dancer with left posterior ankle pain and difficulty dancing en pointe.
Case 70: 35-year-old woman with laceration injury to the volar wrist and paresthesias with palpation of the laceration.
Case 69: 53-year-old male with hyperflexion injury to the knee 6 days prior.
Case 68: 35-year-old male with painful swelling over the anterior shin during exercise, noticed several months prior.
Case 67: 42 year-old woman with numbness in the left fourth and fifth fingers.
Case 66: 14 year-old girl with history of hard palpable mass along the anterior thigh, which was first noticed several months prior.
Case 65: 39 year old female with inability to flex either the proximal or distal interphalangeal joints of the left pinky after finger laceration with a glass.
Case 64: 30-year-old woman with pain in the right middle and ring fingers following rock climbing injury.
Case 63: 39-year-old man with history of prior ORIF of tibial fracture and multiple subsequent surgeries including fasciotomy.
Case 62: 20-year-old female with pain and crepitus over the medial aspect of the ankle upon movement of the great toe.
Case 61: 6-year-old girl with right hip pain and inability to bear weight.
Case 60: 45-year-old female with pain in the fingertip of the middle finger.
Case 59: 38-year-old man presented with left thumb pain and swelling following an injury 10 days prior.
Case 58: 38-year-old female with pain and palpable lump over the plantar aspect of the hindfoot.
Case 57: 63-year-old male with knee stiffness and pain after knee replacement 3 weeks prior.
Case 56: 28-year-old man with right leg fractures following a car accident, treated with tibiofibular ORIF.
Case 55: 3-day-old newborn with bruising of the right shoulder after difficult vaginal delivery
Case 54: 37-year-old female with gradual onset of dorsal and radial wrist pain.
Case 53: 43-year-old carpenter with a complaint of anterior knee soft tissue swelling and mild redness.
Case 52: 46-year-old female presents with sudden onset of midfoot pain.
Case 51: 41 year old male with ankle pain and fullness. The patient had an MRI of the ankle that disclosed a medial soft tissue mass.
Case 50: 42 year old male with 1 month history of anterior elbow pain.
Case 49: 60 year old male presents with a firm palpable nodule of the anterolateral leg, which was first noted 3 weeks earlier.
Case 48: 32 year-old female sustained a puncture wound at the plantar aspect of the forefoot while running on the beach. |
Case 47: 35-year-old male sustained fall with pain at the anterior chest wall. |
Case 46: 37-year-old female with history of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear in 2003 with surgical reconstruction followed by re-tear in 2005 with repeat reconstruction. |
Case 45: 43 year old male presents with thumb pain following injury. |
Case 44: 84 year old female with new onset of temporal region headaches. |
Case 43: 59-year-old male sustained an ankle injury while playing tennis. |
Case 42: 29 year old male who sustained a twisting injury and predominant inversion of the ankle while playing basketball 1 week earlier. |
Case 41: 52 year old male fell down stairs and felt a "popping sensation" anterior to the knee joint. |
Case 40: 26 year old male presents with a painless but enlarging mass at the dorsum of the hand. |
Case 39: 62-year-old female presents with a slowly-enlarging mass at the medial aspect of the right foot. |
Case 38: 35-year-old male with a history of severe motor vehicle related trauma resulting in amputation with left hip disarticulation 3 years earlier. |
Case 37: 33-year-old female patient with prior thumb laceration from broken glass. |
Case 36: 47-year-old female with 2-year history of intermittent right hip pain now with symptoms referable to the right sciatic nerve. |
Case 35: 28-year-old male professional athlete sustained a left calf injury 3 weeks earlier (no imaging obtained at that time). |
Case 34: 32-year-old female professional dancer presents with ankle discomfort greatest with flexion of the great toe. |
Case 33: 10-year-old female presents with gradual onset of left knee pain. |
Case 32: 72-year-old female presents with gradual onset of right lateral hip pain. |
Case 31: 82-year-old male presents with a palpable mass at the medial aspect of the upper left arm. |
Case 30: 1-month-old infant presents to his pediatrician with a palpable neck mass and torticollis. |
Case 29: 45-year-old male with left anterolateral thigh numbness and tingling with intermittent burning sensation. |
Case 28: 65-year-old female with skiing injury 2 years ago and gradual development of right buttock and posterior thigh pain. Hip radiographs were obtained and following interpretation ultrasound was requested. |
Case 27: 64-year-old female presented to outside emergency room with new onset of painful swelling of the left elbow. |
Case 26: 47-year-old male presents with medial ankle and foot pain and weakness with intermittent burning sensations |
Case 25: 55-year-old male presents with posterolateral knee pain while exercising |
Case 24: 53-year-old male presents with shoulder pain and upper extremity weakness, greatest with external rotation |
Case 23: 21-year-old college athlete with sudden onset of infrapatellar knee pain while playing basketball |
Case 22: 36-year-old male with known osteochondral lesion of the medial talar dome, presenting with slow onset of lateral ankle pain and palpable fullness |
Case 21: 57-year-old female presents with 6 months of right shoulder pain and limited mobility |
Case 20: 46-year-old female with history of chronic left hip labral tear and new development of left femoral nerve symptoms |
Case 19: 52 year old female with focal pain superior and lateral to the right hip joint, limiting hip flexion |
Case 18: 55-year-old female with a slowly enlarging mass at the lateral aspect of the right foot |
Case 17: 62-year-old female with swelling over anterior aspect of knee |
Case 16: A 28-year-old pregnant female with history of abnormality of the distal radius |
Case 15: An 11-year old soccer player with knee pain |
Case 14: A professional tennis player with an onset of right-sided abdominal wall pain |
Case 13: 24-year-old professional dancer with acute onset of lateral ankle pain |
Case 12: 4-year-old child with painful tip of the ring finger and normal radiographs. |
Case 11: 54-year-old female with lateral elbow pain. |
Case 10: 48-year-old female who goes to the gym 5 days a week experiencing right hip pain |
Case 9: 73 y/o female s/p ORIF for and radial/ulnar fracture. New onset of ulnar neuropathy. |
Case 8: 62 y/o male with right lateral thigh numbness (neuralgia paresthetica) |
Case 7: 21 y/o female status post hip surgery for labral tear with persistent groin pain sent to ultrasound to assess for iliopsoas pathology. Outside MR read as unremarkable |
Case 6: 10-year-old active male with localized swelling over the left tibia sent to ultrasound to evaluate for possible cyst |
Case 5: 75-year-old male complaining of wrist pain radiating up the forearm |
Case 4: 37 y/o male with left shoulder pain |
Case 3: 54 y/o male with lateral ankle pain and swelling |
Case 2: 95 y/o male with a pacemaker and history of chronic renal insufficiency with left leg pain and swelling |
Case 1: 67-year-old man with bilateral hand and wrist pain and swelling sent to ultrasound for diagnostic evaluation and aspiration |