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Caring for Public School Athletes

Public Schools Athletic League

Public Schools Athletic League

HSS and the Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) are committed to ensuring that PSAL athletes injured during football games are able to receive high quality, affordable medical treatment.

In addition to the Monday Football Clinic, each year Hospital for Special Surgery offers a free comprehensive pre-season medical screening open to all PSAL football athletes. The goal of the screening is to ensure the students are fit to play and have no underlying medical problems or weaknesses before they take to the field. Health professionals at HSS carefully record their medical history; check vital signs, including heart, lungs and blood pressure; have them read an eye chart; test strength and flexibility; and check for any weaknesses that could put them at risk for injury. Doctors also check student athletes for previous injuries, giving them advice on how to stay safe on the field and avoid future problems.

Learn more about the PSAL Football Clinic.