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Hospital for Special Surgery Focuses on Measuring, Adding Value

The Rheumatologist—March 15, 2016

Karen Appold, a writer for The Rheumatologist, uncovers the importance of value and a focus on patient outcomes in order to provide the best treatment possible to individuals living with rheumatic conditions.

According to Catherine H. MacLean, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist and chief value medical officer at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), "Science is constantly moving forward, and we aim to continually incorporate best treatments to improve our patients' health. Within this context, however, we need to be able to measure and report our value."

One of the ways in which HSS is implementing a value-based environment is by developing a value measurement system to help patients with chronic rheumatic diseases. For instance, Michael D. Lockshin, MD, a rheumatologist at HSS notes, "Until we have cures, success may mean slowing the rate of progression or achieving partial functional improvement." He goes on to mention that, "Value measures may include traditional biological measures, maintenance of function, time in the hospital, social and emotional health and less cost."

Shanthini Kasturi, MD, a third-year rheumatology fellow at HSS, adds that, "Sharing this information with patients enables them to make informed decisions" about their treatment plan and overall health.

To read the full article, visit The-Rheumatologist.org.


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