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Patient Case History: Graham

Ankle Fusion and Simultaneous Lengthening of Tibia


Patient Surgeon: S. Robert Rozbruch
Graham injured his ankle in a rock-climbing accident. Despite initial surgery his ankle joint was destroyed.

Graham, Pre-op thumbnail Image, Rock Climbing Accident, Ankle Fusion, Tibia Lengthening, Limb Lengthening
Graham, Pre-op thumbnail of an x-ray Image, Rock Climbing Accident, Ankle Fusion, Tibia Lengthening, Limb Lengthening
Graham, Pre-op thumbnail of an x-ray Image, Rock Climbing Accident, Ankle Fusion, Tibia Lengthening, Limb Lengthening


His ankle was reconstructed with a fusion with a circular external fixator. However, bone loss led to shortening of his leg. Leg lengthening of 4 cm was performed just below the knee by adding a ring and the TSF.

Graham, Post-op thumbnail of an x-ray Image, Limb Lengthening, ankle reconstruction with fusion and circular external fixator, limb lengthening 4cm with ring and TSF
Graham, Post-op thumbnail Image, Limb Lengthening, ankle reconstruction with fusion and circular external fixator, limb lengthening 4cm with ring and TSF
Graham, Post-op thumbnail of an x-ray Image, Limb Lengthening, ankle reconstruction with fusion and circular external fixator, limb lengthening 4cm with ring and TSF
Graham, Post-op thumbnail of an x-ray Image, Limb Lengthening, ankle reconstruction with fusion and circular external fixator, limb lengthening 4cm with ring and TSF
Graham, Post-op thumbnail image, Limb Lengthening, ankle reconstruction with fusion and circular external fixator, limb lengthening 4cm with ring and TSF


His ankle and lengthening are fully healed and he is back to his active lifestyle.

Graham, Follow up thumbnail image, Limb Lengthening, ankle fully healed, Graham active lifestyle
Graham, Follow up thumbnail image, Limb Lengthening, ankle fully healed, Graham active lifestyle
Graham, Follow up thumbnail of an x-ray image, Limb Lengthening, ankle and lengthening fully healed
Graham, Follow up thumbnail of an x-ray image, Limb Lengthening, ankle and lengthening fully healed
Graham, Follow up thumbnail image, Limb Lengthening, ankle and lengthening fully healed


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