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Yoga for Golfers

Yoga means union and refers to the union of the body, mind and breath. The practice of yoga helps to stretch and tone the body, center the mind and focus the breath. The benefits of yoga parallel the physical and mental components of golf making them a natural complement to each other.

  • Trunk Rotation on Hands and Knees

    Strengthens the shoulders, core and back; increases trunk rotation

    Trunk Rotation on Hands and Knees
  • High Lunge with Rotation

    Strengthens the legs, improves balance and increases body awareness

    High Lunge with Rotation
  • Rotated Low Lunge

    Improves trunk rotation and separation of the hips from the trunk; stretches the chest and front of the hips

    Rotated Low Lunge
  • Tree Pose

    Improves balance and hip motion

    Tree Pose
  • Low Lunge

    Stretches the front of the hips, the hamstrings, chest and back; warms up the body for the other poses

    Arm Raises
  • Downward Dog Pedal

    Strengthens the shoulders, back and core; stretches the hamstrings and calves

    Downward Dog Pedal
  • Warrior III

    Improves balance, and strengthens the legs and core

    Warrior III
  • Gate Pose

    Stretches the trunk; can be used as a warm up for the other poses

    Gate Pose