17:20 PM

Are Next Level Recovery Tools Even Necessary for Everyday Athletes?

MensHealth.com highlights recovery methods and how to consider if recovery tools (e.g., compression boots and vibrational therapy, etc.) are a good choice for your fitness routine.

MensHealth.com spoke to Jenna Baynes PT, DPT, ATC, OCS, clinical specialist at HSS who explained, "In a perfect world, you’ll use both passive and active recovery methods." Passive recovery methods are those you can just lay (or sit) there and reap the rewards without taxing your body more, whereas active forms of recovery methods include activation of the muscle. Baynes added, "So even if your inner couch potato is drawing you toward those lie-down routines, you should still foam roll and stretch to help you maintain any flexibility gains you made during your workout—and maximize the effects of your routine."

Read the full article at MensHealth.com.