07:00 AM

Can Diet Help in Psoriasis?

MedPage Today featured HSS rheumatologist Sergio Schwartzman, MD, in an article about his study recently published in JAMA Dermatology on dietary recommendations for adults with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Dr. Schwartzman explained that "people with psoriatic disease tend to be overweight and to have metabolic syndrome, a complex disorder that also includes hypertension, diabetes, and premature arteriosclerosis. A major recommendation is that in patients who are overweight and have metabolic syndrome, a strategy should be implemented that utilizes a hypocaloric diet to achieve weight reduction and ideal body weight."

Additionally, Dr. Schwartzman said dietary interventions "should be used not instead of, but in conjunction with, standard medical treatment for psoriatic disease."

Read the full article at medpagetoday.com.