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Hospital for Special Surgery Doctor Explains Care for Your Cartilage

Paramus Daily Voice—April 19, 2016

In a recent article published by Paramus Daily Voice, Anil S. Ranawat, MD, a sports medicine surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery, answers questions about cartilage injuries leading to joint pain. Here is one question from the article:

Q: Can you talk about the current status of artificial cartilage? I had knee surgery more than 20 years ago where they removed cartilage from my left knee and now, I am in considerable pain.

A: People often confuse cartilage and meniscus. The former is coating at the end of bone that has a high water content that helps joints glide against each other while the latter is made of fibrocartilage and its primary role is to protect cartilage from early failure. We have new technologies to replace and restore both of them to prolong the longevity of the knee such as osteochondral autograft, autologous cartilage implantation as well as mensical allografts.

To read more, visit Paramus.DailyVoice.com.


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